Monday, August 6, 2012

Augmented Reality gone bad!!..= (DISTRACTED REALITY)

Please dont let augmented reality become like this !!

Absolutely horrid use of Augesnted Reality gone bad....more like "DISTRACTED REALITY" below. This is the reality if people start failing to think for themselves and rely on machines to think for them.

Some people think will be a great day...I call it THE COMING OF DISTRACTED REALITY. The video below is an example of totally useless information being spooooon fed into the visual mind so that lazy people can be look educated instead actually doing the mental work to buff up on the learning curve. The Fradulent I call it.

My Hope for AR:
  What I really want to see and hope is coming are highly specialized personal environments that companies custom build and sell as WORK and PLAY spaces for different situations that user can switch to at their choosing.

  The era of continuous Pop-Ups gets old really fast (completely based on advertising....I happy to pay for premium content to get stupid and distracting advertising.....remember this On-Eye contact is an advertisers dream if they can just a piece of the visual real estate to get inside your head). The precious visual space that we have left needs regularity to function within one's own head, without the constant bombardment of spoon fed none sense or ads. In addition, I cant stand everything becoming a game environment, where people are completely distracted to the real world around them.....that just sucks and tells people are bored with their lives in the first place, no engaged at all. The whole idea of a GAME LIFE is stupid. Some may love it, but they are mentally disengaging from reality. This is very disturbing as a cultural trend. If people disengaged, then they are easily controlled and you can put them in a corner and blip virtual images all day into their feeble heads all day in a passive state of compliance.....think the the movie MATRIX....reality vs. virtual doesn't work people. BEWARE

Things I do like about Future-Eye Bionics:

-Medical Emergency Vital Sign Overlays
-Technique Overlays-knife cutting,
-Biometric feedback helpers-body language monitoring (lean angles, facial twitch muscular sensation
-Therma feedback monitoring: very useful for medical and athletic performance monitoring, sexual arousal also(flushing reflex)
-Biofeedback-relaxation monitoring, skin electrostatic looping for continuous relaxation drills when needed
-Medication reminders-
-Motor vehicle Driving assistance....(HUD) Heads Up Display Navigation....these eye prosthetic contacts will likely be cheaper than a whole driving system, so they may gain market share in that arena. I know I'd like something like this here....I hate using traditional Navigation that takes my eyes off the road....I want it overlaid on the road itself using a HUD display. I really want to see the first FULL DASHBOARD THIN FILM DISPLAYS  and LONG  FIELD PROJECTOR HUD DISPLAYS FOR CARS....specifically NAVIGATION.....all the other smart phone features can be disabled for safety so people can focus on the road.

-Distration Reality
-Stupid Info overload
-In-head commercials (Advertisers getting their grimmy hands on my visual space...I cant stand this!! Keep it clean....If something is free, isn' are giving something up in return to a corporation!...sucker punch)

Watch the video below:

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