Monday, April 23, 2012

Major revelations coming together: Biology

The past six months have led me to some major revelations in regard to human beings health, positive diets, micro-flora in our gutt (positive bacteria in our intestinal system), climate change-bacteria will survive the coming 6th mass extinction,.....all three of them relating to bacteria.

Humans are a top food chain predators, we have many of the structures of traditional hunters (binocular vision to focus in on prey) and fast running skills to run down prey to exhaustion (african tribesman pack hunting).

The NIH in Washington DC is doing big DNA experiments on the micro-flora in our gutts and on our skin to understand the symbiotic relationship they play in our health. Basically we stay health as humans when we have an over abundance of positive bacteria in/on our gutt/skin systems. Should we tip the balance and allow negative/invasive bacteria invade or live in/on our bodies then we will become sick and at high levels infestations we will die.

Our positive bacterial colonies

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