Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cheating and Test Rings: pissed off after finals

Finals are over and I'm pissed off......not because of my grades, but because others cheated !!

   Several top classmates of mine after our final gathered round each other to decompress, talk about the test and shake off their frazzled nerves immediately after our final test. Honestly, the class was stinking hard period, no way around that, but I couldn't believe what I witnessed transpire after the test.

   Like a test ring, the top students of my class welcomed students from the very next day to listen in on their conversation and detailed IN WRITING THE  EXACT ANSWERS to the final questions !!! I piped up and stopped them mid-sentence bringing their answer divulging behavior into question, "Do you realize what you are doing right now?"....I was quickly rebutted with, "they help me all the time, so I dont mind helping them". They simply blew it off and all consented to being test-moles. One of my classmates has a near-photographic memory and proceeded to outline questions verbatim, question-by-question...... it made me sick!!

   I was appalled to be frank at this immature justification of cheating and pre-exam test ring occurring before my very eyes. It boiled my blood on the spot !! I was so pissed off that I had to leave the area immediately !! I wanted to curse them all out. Mind you, these were THE TOP STUDENTS in the whole class (they all usually get A's)!!


  To be honest, I hate this kind of behavior amongst my classmates. It has happened in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my science classes in the past two years and I'm sick of it !! My school's science program is very difficult, but people are bucking the system to get the easy way out and cutting corners all the time.

   I'm really fed up with my school not doing anything serious about the cheating problem that exists and the high volume of students around me cheating on their exams, about 25% in every class in some way. No offense, but especially with asian/foreign students that are making up a larger and larger part of the full paying student body, the senior students are being paid off by junior students to hand over their labs and past tests in complete notebooks. New students seek out senior students with the highest grades and literally buy off their entire notebooks and tests completely. Then they proceed to memorize the answers without ever learning the actual material. Really deceptive behavior. Teachers dont do much to change things around on their tests each quarter, so the system perpetuates itself over and over again. Really lame.

   Anyways, I may not get the best grades or be the fastest guy  in the class, but I will keep my integrity no matter what.

Here is why I wont bend on my integrity:
  This situation reminds me of 4 years ago when I worked at a retirement home and witnessed 3 people die from nurses lying on their charts and intentionally denying care. It was senior abuse for those that needed it most. It made me sick! When I let senior, national level HR management know about it, they fired me after only 85 days on the job (under the 90 day temp worker legal limit), and I lost my job. Poetic justice played itself out and the manager was fired/forced out 6 months later after a corporate and state level investigation of abuse....she was forced out. Good riddens !! I couldnt believe the abuse that was happening where I worked. It was criminal level abuse. It made me sick. I couldnt imagine one of my own parents being abused like that. It was gross negligence by many different care-givers from the top down. I witnessed extortion (of rich but helpless patients), grafting by managers of work hours, rubber stamping of work done, illegal prescriptions changes with medications without doctors approval, deceitfulness, stealing of narcotic drugs and eventual death of patients all within just 2.5 months of working was a zoo, and the animals were running it. Every good doctor and nurse I spoke with about the situation told me to leave immediately because it was a lawsuit ready to happen.

   So if I'm a little sensitive to cheating from students that  want to be future doctors and nurses in my classes, you can understand why now. What really ticks me off is that some of these people are getting scholarships (scholarships for liars) to go to high level colleges. Lame. I hope they can memorize the dimensions of a jail cell when they are convicted of ripping off their patients, defrauding the government payment system or sued for gross cheats!! Better yet, they get caught cheating on the MCAT and never make it to med school and save us all alot of trouble.
   I cant change others, but I can change myself and keep my standards high for the good of others and my future patients who's lives depend on it. Enough said, off to bed.

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