Saturday, March 31, 2012

Medical Tourism: big trend - take advantage of it

Last week my Korean friend told me he flew all the way back to Korea to get a root canal because it was cheaper to FLY ALL THE WAY BACK THERE AND GET THE PROCEDURE, than to do it here in America. He has dual citizenship, but I found this to be alarming.

There is a big, new trend of medical care called : MEDICAL TOURISM that is sprouting up all over the world to service Americans that need high quality procedures by good doctors in poorer countries that are setting up medical spas worldwide. If you can get a good referral from close friends that know the doctors personally, you can save a ton of money, get much higher service than the US for much less cost. With all the bickering over US healthcare, and insurance companies running the show trying to carve out their piece of the pie, US consumers/citizens are being left in the lurch which is a huge disservice. US healthcare for the poor and middle class is simply too expensive for even basic care....sad but true. In all fairness, we get what we deserve as citizens for not being engaged in the political process to elect people that really give a darn. We Americans tend to like out expensive and wasteful stalemate type of government and we are paying for it dearly now........get off your duff Americans...yes, that means YOU too.

I want to list some ways and resources outside the US for people to take advantage of that I know are (WARNING: do extensive research and get PERSONAL referrals to any place you are seriously considering going to. Get personal referral from friends and people that have ACTUALLY BEEN TO THE DOCTOR you are going to see. Dont get caught paying money to a quack, DO YOUR HOMEWORK and you will be fine.) You can also enjoy recovering at a medical spa after your procedure like a little vacation, which is becoming pretty standard at many of these places.

Bangkok City Hospital, Thailand:  several friends have told me that they have all new modern equipment, which is top of the line. A friend of mine needed emergency surgery and had a great experience there. He was surprised at all they had to offer.

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