Sunday, March 4, 2012

Raw Juicing Ideas


The Power of Raw Juicing and Green Smoothies
Note: To learn how to juice properly for blood glucose stabilization, insulin control, reduced insulin resistance, reduced inflammation, accelerated cell repair, and increased weight loss, get the Power of Juicing & Smoothies ebook. Also, get the Raw Food Diet ebook to help you get started with your raw food diet.
Raw juicing works, but only as part of an overall superior nutritional program, such as the Death to Diabetes Super Meal Model. Most people who do not reap the benefits of raw juicing are juicing improperly!Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Raw Juicing
Juicing is a very powerful nutritional therapy, but most people misapply this therapy by preparing mostly fruit juices. Vegetable juicing is more powerful than fruit juicing, especially for people fighting diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, or any other degenerative disease.
If eating raw vegetables, salads and soups are not appealing enough to acquire the minimum 6 to 9 cups (5 to 7 servings) of vegetables and fruits each day, then, juicing may be an effective addition to your nutritional program. Even as a diabetic, juicing can be very nutritious as long as you drink mostly green vegetables/grasses and avoid drinking too many of the fruits.
Green juices (and green smoothies) have an alkaline reaction in the body and help protect against acid build-up as well as stimulate the body to manufacture hemoglobin. Green juices contain organic water, the purest most natural water available to us, and they cleanse the body of the waste within the cells and tissues.
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Raw Juicing
Green juices (and green smoothies) contain an abundance of chlorophyll, which is a molecule whose structure is almost exactly the same as the hemoglobin molecule of the human blood. Chlorophyll helps to repair tissue and is very important in helping to remove toxins from the body.Juices are a perfect medium in which to mix and dissolve nutritional powders that will enhance their healing powers.
The nutrients and herbs in powders are better absorbed than tablet forms of the same ingredients, and mixing them in juices enhances their solubility, digestion and absorption.The juices bring the healing nutrients to the cells in the surface of the mucous membrane of the gut in an easily absorbed form. This requires much less energy to assimilate than solid tablets, especially in people with inflamed mucous membranes in the intestines.
Juices can be combined in so many ways to make them palatable and delicious. Their diverse colors and taste enable huge variety so that you will not get bored. For those who feel they need an extra boost there is nothing better than drinking 2 cups of raw vegetable juice everyday. It will brighten up your day by providing extra energy and endurance.
Raw juices are packed with living enzymes to assist the digestive process, which means your gut, liver and pancreas do not have to work very hard to extract almost 99% of the nutrients within the raw vegetables and fruits.
Raw Foods & Juicing Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
This conserves vital body energy, which means that the body does not feel heavy or weighed down after drinking raw juices.
For example, two cups of carrot juice (16 ounces) is approximately equivalent to eating one pound of raw carrots. Eating so many carrots at one time would be hard on the jaws and teeth and would take a long time to eat and digest. Juices are unique because they allow the gut to receive very concentrated amounts of phytonutrients that could not be obtained by eating a normal amount of raw vegetables and fruits.
Raw juices contain natural medicinal nutrients that provide antioxidant, antibiotic, and hormonal balancing benefits. For example, Brussel sprouts and string beans are known to contain insulin-like substances that can be beneficial to Type 2 diabetics, and especially Type 1 diabetics. In addition, phytonutrients needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber and onion juices; and, the phytonutrient properties of broccoli, carrot, celery, lettuce and spinach are also beneficial to diabetics.
For example, broccoli is an excellent source of chromium, which helps to regulate insulin usage in the body. Fresh juices of garlic, onions, radish and tomatoes contain various antibiotic properties. Alfalfa, olives, asparagus, lettuce, mustard greens, radishes, cabbage and cucumbers contain silicon, which works to support the pancreas. Wheat/barley grass, celery, kelp, cucumber and cabbage juice are excellent to reduce acidity and blood pressure.
Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach help to cleanse and heal the gastrointestinal tract. The phytonutrient properties of carrot are also beneficial to diabetics once they have their blood glucose level under control.
Drinking as little as 3 cups of fresh vegetable juice each day will help the body detoxify and regenerate through the assimilation of the earth’s life-giving nutrients.
Note: Although fruits and vegetables do not contain large quantities of protein, their juice can be a convenient carrier for other sources of protein. Simply add some freshly-ground flaxseed powder, Brewer’s yeast,  or wheat germ to whatever you’re juicing. These will provide quality protein that is quickly and easily absorbed by the body without the fat that meat contains.
The raw juice is obtained using a device called a juicer. It works by feeding raw vegetables, grasses and fruits into a chute that pushes the food into a high-speed rotating blade that shreds the food, extracting the juice from the pulp.Use Juicer to Reverse Diabetes
This extraction process breaks down the cellulose barriers in the cells of the vegetables, grasses and fruits, allowing the release of powerful enzymes and other nutrients. Juicers are very powerful but are not as popular as blenders because they tend to be more difficult to use and to clean.
Consequently, it is important that you purchase a juicer with fewer parts, a powerful motor and a wide chute. This will prevent you from spending a lot of time cutting up the vegetables/fruits to fit down the chute of the juicer.Use Juicer to Reverse Diabetes
Depending on your needs and finances, purchase the appropriate juicer, e.g. twin gear press (vegetables and wheat grass), mastication, centrifugal ejection, single/dual auger (for wheat grass), or manual press (for fruits only).
If you don’t like to use a juicer, use your blender to make scrumptious “healthy milkshakes” known as smoothies.Use a Super Blender to Make Smoothies to Reverse Diabetes
But, make sure that you use a high-powered blender that can pulverize nuts and break down the cell walls of the vegetables without overheating the vegetables.
Juice Quality
The quality of raw juice is at the optimum level right after the juice has been produced by your juicer.  However, due to our busy schedules, sometimes we would like to make some extra juice and store it in a container of some kind to drink later.
Unfortunately, the quality of the juice suffers and the juice loses its nutrient value over a period of 2-3 days.
The two main factors that effect juice quality are: Heat and Oxidation.
  • Heat can affect the juice mainly by causing enzyme deactivation.  Enzyme deactivation only occurs when temperatures exceed 118 degrees Fahrenheit.  In addition to the heat, there is a time component associated with enzyme deactivation.  For example you could probably heat juice to 130 degrees for 1 nano-second with no enzyme deactivation.  Passing your finger over a flame is a similar example. (this is not advised).  
  • Oxidation occurs when you break open cell walls of the produce and expose it to oxygen.  Oxidation occurs when you cut open an apple and it turns brown. In general, oxidation does affect the quality of the juice. Many of the nutrients in the juice are not affected by oxidation, but some are.  Oxidation is a natural process.   Its best  to minimize oxidation.  One way to minimize oxidation is toCONSUME THE JUICE RIGHT AFTER IT IS MADE.
Heating the juice (below 118°F) is not as serious a problem as the oxidation. All juicers heat the juice somewhat, including the Single Auger Juicer/Twin Gear Juicer.
However, oxidation dramatically reduces the quality of your juice. Oxidation occurs with all juicers.  Some juicers create less oxidation in the process of juicing, i.e. masticating vs. centrifugal.   Oxidation increases the longer the juice is sitting around.  So to MINIMIZE oxidation, its more important to DRINK THE JUICE RIGHT AFTER ITS MADE than to worry about, “oh, my centrifugal juicer produces more initial oxidation”.  If you cut open an apple, oxidation is created (it turns brown). You never see the browning occur if you eat the apple as soon as you cut it!
We believe manufacturers talk about oxidation and heat to influence your purchase decision.  Heat should not be a factor, since all juicers will raise the temperature of the produce being juiced.  Oxidation plays a role in the quality of juice, this is true.
We would recommend taking the  oxidation factors “lightly”.  One could purchase the best juicer that produces the least oxidation, only to have it sit on the counter, and it never being used, since they didn’t consider that its one of the hardest juicers to clean.  We have found that if a juicer is hard to clean, it will not get used — then, what is the advantage of having “the best” juicer, if its never used?
Tip: Although we don’t recommend storing the juice, if you store the juice properly, i.e. filled them up to the brim to prevent air that causes oxidation, in an air-tight thermos/vacuum flask, and stored away in the refrigerator, the juice quality can last from 1 to 3 days as follows:
  • Using a centrifugal juicer – juice gets oxidized almost as soon as you’re done juicing, so drink juice immediately.
  • Using a single-gear juicer – possible to keep up to 24 hours from time of extraction.
  • Using a twin-gear juicer – possible to keep up to 48 hours from time of extraction.
  • Using a hydraulic press juicer – possible to keep up to 72 hours.
Here are some other tips if you want to increase the quality of the juice from your juicer:
  • Start off with the coldest possible produce – leave the produce in the refrigerator before juicing. Set your refrigerator a little colder.
  • Do not overload the juicer!  Feed in only a little produce at a time. Let it work itself out of the juicer before adding more.  Overloading will cause the juicer to work harder, causing excess friction and generating heat.
  • While juicing, occasionally juice an ice cube, which will help to reduce the temperature of the blade/auger and the juice. It will also dilute the juice.
  • Be sure to inspect the cutting blade (on centrifugal juicers) or cutter (on the Champion juicer).  Replace if they are dull.  Dull blades do not cut as well, and thus will cause excess friction, which generates heat.
  • Juice in small batches, rather than “juice marathons”.  The longer the juicer runs, the warmer things get.
  • Start off by juicing the highest quality produce available.  In some studies, organic crops have been shown to be higher in some vitamins, essential minerals and phytonutrients.  
  • If your juicing with a CHAMPION Juicer, chop produce into smaller pieces. Produce with strings will get stuck around the cutting blade and cause more friction and heat (especially Celery and leafy greens with long stems)
FYI: A Green Star juice extractor as well as most other twin gear juicers make juice with the least amount of oxidation to them. The Norwalk press also does but it is a lot more expensive. It’s physically big and involves more of a commitment due to the different stages of cutting, pressing and then cleaning in order to get a glass of juice. If you are really concerned about these issues consider getting a Green Star at a quarter of the price of a Norwalk juicer. You’ll be very happy because they are great machines. If you want to spend a little less, go with an Omega 8003 juicer. This juicer delivers higher quality juice, is easy to clean, comes with a 10 year warranty, and it will change your life.
The Raw Juicing & Smoothies Ebook: The Power of Juicing and Green Smoothies to Reverse T2 Diabetes
This juicing ebook explains the importance of juicing, and how to use the power of juicing and green smoothies to control and reverse your diabetes.
This ebook provides juicing recipes, and recipes for super smoothies and specific recipes for diabetes, and other ailments including edema, fatigue, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, arthritis, eye problems, and kidney problems. This ebook also explains how to take your juicing to the next level.
Key topics in the juicing ebook include:
Vegetables and Fruits by Color
Juicing for Diabetes and Weight Loss
Vegetable Juicing
Juicing — Where to Start
Guidelines for Juicing
Introduction to Juicing Vegetables
Juice Fasting
Health Benefits of Vegetable Juices
Health Benefits of Fruit Juices
Juice Recipes
Juice Recipes for Diseases and Ailments
Juicing for Weight Loss
Juice Recipes
How to Make Green Smoothies
Recipes for Smoothies
Storing Vegetables & Fruits
Get the Juicing & Smoothies ebook (or printed 8½ x 11 booklet) to learn how to juice and drink tasty smoothies that will reduce and eventually eliminate your cravings for junk food and fast food.Drink Scrumptious Smoothie to Reverse Diabetes
These great recipes will also help you to lose weight, get rid of that belly fat, wean off those dangerous diabetic and high blood pressure drugs, and eventually reverse your diabetes.
Note: If you don’t like to juice every day or if you get tired of juicing, try “healthy milkshakes” (known as green smoothies) — they’re scrumptious and easy to make with your blender. Smoothie recipes are included in the juicing book.

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